Monday, May 04, 2009

I <3 Bike Racing

I <3 Bike Racing

Its official, race season is here.  For some it has been here for a few months, but for me it started this Sunday.   I was not sure that I even wanted to race. It has been almost a month since I rode my mountain bike, and I spent the last 2 weeks on the road for work.  Getting shelled seamed like the only thing that could happen.  I was pretty sure that I was just going to go watch the race and hang out and see everyone and wait till I had a little more training under my belt before I started racing again.  My girlfriend Ms, Lauren Browne had some good words for me and reminded me that the reason that I go to bike races is because I like it.  Win or loose racing is something I enjoy.  So I raced.  I was even kicking ass till I got a little flat and dinged my rim to the point where it wouldn't hold a tire. Not a bad day, a bike race and a little hike back to the start finish.  Could be worse.  I still did not do that bad, even with the unplanned hike I still did not finish anywhere near last. Can't wait to race again!

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